Latest News
See You On the Other Side
16 December 2015
Thank you dearest folks for being truly supportive, curious, overjoyed, despairing, frustrated this year. Please delete where appropriate, each feeling is entirely acceptable, depending on what time of year you came into contact with us, and we are grateful for them all.
Our Don Quixote is Here
2 December 2015
And then it came: Don Quixote, our third reimagined classic in the last five years, has arrived from the printers and released today. And it’s a gorgeous, rather large, book of all books.
Pre-order your Don Quixote. Now.
5 November 2015
Well now that took a while. We had moments of thinking this would never happen. But now. Yes. Final copies of Don Quixote are very nearly here. And you can preorder yours now. If you want to.
Writers in Residence: A Short Film
13 October 2015
We have a new film. It’s about our Writers in Residence series which we’re still rather proud of. A great looking story for you to wrap, unwrap, read and enjoy.
Landed: Editions At Play
8 September 2015
We’re whooping with excitement and we’ll be honest, we’re holding our breath with nerves too, as we send Editions At Play out into the real-ish world in the shape of a landing page. We thought it was about time we stopped talking and instead started showing what this thing is, this bookshop of ours for books that cannot be printed.
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