• Patricio Lopez with his copy of Shandy in front of Shakespeare and Co in Paris.

"I Hate You": A VE Fan Letter

03 August 2011

We got an email through the other day. The subject heading was “I Hate You”, which freaked us out a bit to be honest. But then we started reading and fell in love a little. A lot actually. Here’s what the rest of the email said. We just had to share.

I’m from Mexico. I’m in Paris for a little while, then I go to The Netherlands to study a master’s degree in history. I left around 400 books stored in boxes back home (I’m thinking of relocating to Europe). I brought about 12 very heavy books over here (in spanish, mostly poetry, some classics). I swore I was not going to buy any more books. I couldn’t. I can’t. It’s too heavy. I have enough. But I saw your edition of Tristram Shandy today in Shakespeare & Co (I have a horrible edition back home). Damn you! It’s so incredible. Damn you! It’s astonishing. I hate you. My back hates you. So beautiful. Why didn’t I buy it today? I’m going to dream with it tonight and go back for it tomorrow.

bless you,
a fan for life,
Patricio López

We heart you Patricio.

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