Visual Editions

Great Looking Stories

Mapping Out

The book looks at everything we map. It’s about planting the flag at the crossing over point, looking at how maps are shifting from being about geography to something that’s more like life-mapping. And how, it seems, that our lives are increasingly being guided by stories and information that behave a lot like maps.

And it’s all a bit of a mash-up. It’s about maps and it’s also about stories; it has words, and also pictures; it is an edited physical anthology and will also be a digitally collaborative one. It’s probably a HUGE mess, in the way that life is a huge mess.

We’re calling it Where You Are. And our hope is that it will leave you feeling entirely lost.

So who’s in the book?

Chloe Aridjis
Lila Azam Zanganeh
James Bridle
Alain de Botton
Joe Dunthorne
Geoff Dyer
Olafur Eliasson
Sheila Heti
Tao Lin
Valeria Luiselli
Ted Mineo
Leanne Shapton
John Simpson)
Craig Taylor
Adam Thirlwell
Peter Turchi
Will Wiles
Denis Wood

And how will it read? What will it look like?

Let’s just say the release date for the physical book is set for November and right now, we’re in early editorial shaping and design phases with the talented Bibliothèque and The Workers. And how will it all hang together? Well, that’s still a bit of a blur. Fitting really, for a book that will most likely get you entirely lost.

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